Drug Formularies in Workers’ Compensation

1 Hour 32 Minutes
SKU: 17ACOEM-217

CME/MOC: 1.5
TRACK: OEM Clinical Practice

Robert Goldberg, MD, MPH, FACOEM, HealtheSystems, Lafayette, CA
Paul J. Papanek, MD, MPH, FACOEM, Cal/OSHA, Long Beach, CA
Alex Swedlow, California Workers’ Compensation Institute, Oakland, CA

In the last few years, several states have recently moved to implement drug formularies in their workers’ compensation systems. Additionally, at least two commercial formularies are already in widespread use for patients treated under workers’ compensation. This session will describe the general structure and operation of drug formularies, provide information and their use in practice in several states, and will provide a practical introduction to currently available workers’ compensation drug formularies.

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