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American Academy of Periodontology

08AAP-CPES01: Decision Making and Protocols for Provisaional Restorations with Single Tooth and Partially Endentulous Implant Patients

08AAP-CPES01: Decision Making and Protocols for Provisaional Restorations with Single Tooth and Partially Endentulous Implant Patients

The focus of this program is on the rationale for different types of temporary implant restorations. In the past, it was the standard that implants have provisionals that did not incorporate loading forces. Interim removable partials (Essix or “Flippers”) were routinely used. Now, we do immediate provisionals on single implants, partially edentulous cases and even immediate crossarch loading of implants. There are many scenarios, and the clinician must make critical decisions of when to use different types of provisionals. The protocols and techniques will be shown with various types of fixed provisionals. Immediatedirect, lab-processed provisionals and CT-guided provisional protocols will be shown.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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