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American Academy of Periodontology

08AAP-FCE08: The Universal Implant Treatment Algorithm

08AAP-FCE08: The Universal Implant Treatment Algorithm

The purpose of this program is to create a systematic method using SimPlant software to analyze diagnostic information that has checkpoints, which suggest that the treatment plan is acceptable or needs further investigation. The use of a basic treatment pathway and a universal implant treatment algorithmis the centerpiece for computer guided decision-making and implant treatment planning. This presentation will apply an algorithm to four familiar implant restorations, of which common patterns of treatment for each case type will be explained. Application of the universal implant treatment algorithm will allow both experienced and non-experienced dentists to achieve comparable results using CT, and will easily determine what procedures are needed and their sequence in order to solve a patient’s problem. It will also suggest the optimal type of final restoration and accurate determination of fees.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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