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American Academy of Periodontology

09AAP-CE13: Managing Complex Soft Tissue Deformities

09AAP-CE13: Managing Complex Soft Tissue Deformities

Monday Session

Moderator: Richard J. Nagy 

Program Track: Periodontal Plastic/Oral Reconstructive Surgery 

Essential to the success of any patient care is achieving a soft tissue outcome that is esthetically pleasing, harmonious with maintaining phonetics and capable of withstanding those forces posed by eating, oral hygiene and restorative care. Esthetic problems can occur around teeth, implants or at pontic sites that confront the clinician’s ability to provide acceptable esthetic outcomes. The speakers will focus on advanced soft tissue grafting techniques that provide successful outcomes around teeth, implants and at pontic sites. 

Educational Objectives: 
• Describe techniques in detail, such as tunnel/pouch connective tissue (CT) grafts, vestibular tunnel CT designs, palatal pedicle CT grafts, onlay and interpositional CT grafts. 
• Identify where a particular grafting technique should be considered. 
• Discuss how provisional restorations should be handled with certain procedures

Regular price $49.00 USD
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