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American Academy of Periodontology

09AAP-CTS02: Clinical Technique Showcase: Piezosurgery

09AAP-CTS02: Clinical Technique Showcase: Piezosurgery

Tuesday Session

Moderator: Bradley S. McAllister 

Program Tracks: Implants, Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases 

The use of the piezoelectric handpiece has become an essential part of clinical practice for performing stateof- the-art periodontal and implant procedures. The recent upsurge in piezo use relates to both reducing the complication rate of some of the more technique- sensitive procedures, along with good basic science research supporting its positive role in wound healing. This session will present the positive impact of piezoelectric surgery on tooth extractions, ridge contouring, ridge expansion, sinus augmentation and implant osteotomy preparation techniques. The speakers will review how intra-operative complications such as nerve damage, intra-operative 
bleeding and sinus membrane perforation can be obviated. 

Educational Objectives: 
• Describe the technology of piezoelectric surgery and the armamentarium available. 
• Discuss the various piezoelectric surgical techniques. 
• Demonstrate how piezoelectric techniques can reduce intra-operative complications.

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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