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American Academy of Periodontology

09AAP-FCE08: Surgical Technique and Material Selection in Periodontal Regeneration

09AAP-FCE08: Surgical Technique and Material Selection in Periodontal Regeneration

Monday Session
Moderator: Paulo M. Camargo 

Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering 

This program will discuss in detail the decision process involved in selecting the appropriate surgical technique and regenerative materials for the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects. The presentation will be clinicallyoriented, and treatment recommendations will be 
supported by sound scientific evidence. Both short- and long-term outcomes of various periodontal regenerative approaches for intrabony defects will be presented. 

Educational Objectives: 
• Select the appropriate flap design for regenerative treatment of intrabony lesions according to the soft tissue topography and defect anatomy. 
• Describe the steps and advantages of utilizing minimally invasive techniques. 
• Choose the regenerative material(s) that will maximize therapeutic success and predictability according to the characteristics of the intrabony defect being treated.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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