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American Academy of Periodontology

10AAP-CE13: Management Strategies for Implant Complications

10AAP-CE13: Management Strategies for Implant Complications

Tuesday Session
Program Track: Implants

Moderator: Edmund A. Cassella 

Speakers: Stuart J. Froum, Curtis E. Jansen

Although implants have a high success rate, numerous implant complications present challenges for the implant clinician. This course will include the various factors that lead to implant failures and how to avoid them, treatment options for implants with peri-implantitis and triaging functional and esthetic implant complications.

Educational Objectives:
Understand the prevalence, risk factors and management of implant failures.
Learn a new treatment modality that is designed to treat implants with peri-implantitis.
Identify potential functional and esthetic problems that may arise during treatment, or after several years of restorative function.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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