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American Academy of Periodontology

10AAP-CE14: Risk Factors Affecting Periodontal Treatment Outcomes

10AAP-CE14: Risk Factors Affecting Periodontal Treatment Outcomes

Tuesday Session
Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases 

Moderator: Susan Karabin

Speakers: Georgia K. Johnson, Angelo Mariotti, David W. Paquette

Inflammatory periodontal disease usually requires life-long management, and often includes non-surgical, surgical, pharmacological and host modulation intervention. These therapies may have varying outcomes depending on the patient’s medical status, medications and lifestyle risk factors. The presenters will give an in-depth review of the current evidence related to obesity/diabetes, smoking cessation and bisphosphonates/osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) as it relates to patients’ care and management.

Educational Objectives:
Understand the impact of smoking on periodontal and implant therapy, and the benefits of smoking cessation.
Learn the association of bisphosonates with ONJ, as well as prevention and management of it.
Discuss the relationship between obesity, diabetes and periodontal disease, and how to manage patients who are at increased risk.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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