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American Academy of Periodontology

10AAP-FCE02: Prosthetic Approaches to Tissue Management

10AAP-FCE02: Prosthetic Approaches to Tissue Management

Monday Session
Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy 

Moderator: Diego Velasquez

Speaker: Ernesto A. Lee

Predictable esthetic outcomes in implant dentistry require the presence of harmonious gingival architecture. Abutment and crown contours may be sequentially modified to optimize the restoration of implants placed in compromised positions. In addition, adequately contoured restorations may be essential for the preservation of gingival morphology around immediate implants.

Educational Objectives:
Discuss the benefits and limitations of prosthetically modeling the peri-implant tissues.
Review contemporary restorative contouring concepts and techniques as they apply to implant dentistry.
Demonstrate the application of contour design principles for immediate and delayed implant placement.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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