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American Academy of Periodontology

10AAP-FCE05: Assessing the Prognosis for Multi-Rooted Teeth

10AAP-FCE05: Assessing the Prognosis for Multi-Rooted Teeth

Tuesday Session
Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases 

Moderator: Stuart A. Feldman 

Speaker: Mark E. Glover

Determining the prognosis for multi-rooted teeth can be challenging, sometimes discouraging and often inaccurate. A review of the diagnostic armamentarium and limits of current prognostication will take place. Clinical cases that span decades of treatment will be presented to summarize current therapeutic modalities. Have implants had a positive or negative impact on the prognosis of periodontally-involved multi-rooted teeth?

Educational Objectives:
Develop criteria for the prognosis of periodontally involved multi-rooted teeth.
Review the periodontal and restorative treatment successes and failures of multi-rooted teeth.
Summarize the impact that dental implants have on treatment planning of multi-rooted teeth.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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