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American Academy of Periodontology

10AAP-GS02: New Techniques for Soft Tissue Augmentation

10AAP-GS02: New Techniques for Soft Tissue Augmentation

Monday Session
Program Track: Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Moderators: Bradley S. McAllister, Yorimasa Ogata
Speakers: Michael K. McGuire, Yasukazu Miyamoto, Kirk L. Pasquinelli

Periodontal plastic surgery techniques can predictably treat facial mucogingival defects; however, reconstruction of the papilla has been more challenging. This program will focus on novel therapies and surgical techniques, which will allow us to improve our outcomes in both areas, and in some instances, eliminate the morbidity associated with the need for a donor site.

Educational Objectives:
Understand the differences between tissue replacement grafts and metabolically-active grafts.
Learn how to reconstruct papilla tissue between tooth-tooth, tooth-implant, implant-implant and implant-pontic with soft and hard tissue augmentation.
Discuss how these therapies can move outcomes from simple repair to actual regeneration.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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