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American Academy of Periodontology

11AAP-GS04: Management of the Deficient Anterior Ridge

11AAP-GS04: Management of the Deficient Anterior Ridge

Tuesday Session
Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering

Moderator: Bradley S.McAllister
Speakers: Oded Bahat, Sascha A. Jovanovic, Marc L. Nevins

This program will be a live streamed webcast for members.
Management of the deficient anterior ridge continues to be one of the greatest
challenges to the periodontist, due to the high esthetic demands and anatomical
variations unique to this area. While there are many techniques that can achieve
an excellent outcome, it is often difficult to decide which technique would be best
suited for a particular defect. Three approaches will be reviewed: corticocancellous
grafts, rhBMP-2/titanium mesh and rhPDGF. The program will highlight the
indications, limitations, technical challenges and complications for treating
the deficient ridge with each of these techniques.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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