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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-CE09: Classical vs. Contemporary Treatment Planning for Chronic and Aggressive Periodontal Disease

12AAP-CE09: Classical vs. Contemporary Treatment Planning for Chronic and Aggressive Periodontal Disease

Monday Session

Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases
Moderator: Louis F. Rose
Speakers: David M. Kim, Myron Nevins

Contemporary clinicians face the dilemma as whether to preserve the remaining periodontally- compromised dentition with or without a regenerative approach, or replace teeth with dental implants. Numerous long-term studies have demonstrated the vast majority of patients with chronic periodontitis responded well to conventional periodontal therapies. In addition, there have been many studies documenting a high degree of success in implant therapy in properly treated and well-maintained periodontitis-susceptible subjects. It is therefore important to consider the time-tested therapeutic approaches that have proven to be successful for periodontally-compromised patients, and supplement them with promising implant and regenerative therapeutics to achieve optimal success.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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