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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-CE15: Management of the Failing Dentition

12AAP-CE15: Management of the Failing Dentition

Monday Session

Program Track: Implants
Moderator: Jeffrey Ganeles
Speakers: Oded Bahat, Fereidoun Daftary

Failing dentition always presents the profession with the great challenge of predicting the process and a prolonged period of treatment; establishing optimal esthetic and function often is compromised. The introduction of endosseous implants provides clinicians with a more predictable solution to this complex planning and treatment dilemma. The critical question is whether and when a tooth with a compromised prognosis should be retained, versus being replaced by an implant - it remains unanswered. This session will present a thought-provoking algorithm for decision-making and management of risks and complications during treatment.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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