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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-CTS01: Adjunctive Orthodontic Procedures

12AAP-CTS01: Adjunctive Orthodontic Procedures

Monday Session

Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy
Moderator: Susan Karabin
Speakers: Bobby L. Butler, Frank Celenza, Serge Dibart, Vincent O. Kokich, Jr.

Adjunctive orthodontic procedures can improve clinical and esthetic results, especially in the challenging multidisciplary cases. A variety of techniques and innovations to achieve optimal outcomes will be reviewed, including the value of forced eruption in improving soft and hard tissues, using piezoincision to enhance the orthodontic movement of teeth, proper exposure of impacted teeth involved in correctly positioning the tooth and optimal ridge development for implant placement through atrophic ridges.

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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