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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-FCE05: Medications Your Patients are Taking

12AAP-FCE05: Medications Your Patients are Taking

Monday Session

Program Track: Periodontal-Systemic Relationships
Moderator: Richard J. Nagy
Speaker: Karen A. Baker

The dental patient of 2012 and beyond is very likely taking multiple medications both prescription and over-the-counter. Drugs such as analgesics, antacids, cough/cold/allergy products, sleep aids, weight control products and a variety of supplements. They may also take alternative medications such as herbs and vitamins. Many of these agents can directly cause intraoral effects such as ulcerative mucositis or xerostomia. In addition, they can potentially interact with prescription drug therapy resulting in serious side effects. This program will provide useful information about the use and abuse of these medications and explain their impact on dental treatment and oral health.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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