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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-FCE08: Long-Term Peri-Implant Tissue Stability in the Esthetic Zone

12AAP-FCE08: Long-Term Peri-Implant Tissue Stability in the Esthetic Zone

Tuesday Session

Program Track: Periodontal Plastic/Oral Reconstructive Surgery
Moderators: Kamran Haghighat, Nobuo Yoshinari
Speaker: Yasukazu Miyamoto

In recent years, optimal implant results in the esthetic zone have been more predictably achieved utilizing many soft and hard tissue augmentation techniques. Patients and dentists hope that implant treatment will not only be safe and successful, but also seek to maintain those results for the longterm. In the end, treatment plans need to be developed that attain peri-implant tissue stability, as well as esthetic success. The focus is on understanding the optimal anticipated condition of soft and hard tissue around implants in various situations, and selecting appropriate treatment strategies.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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