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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-FCE10: Legal Implications of the Failing Implant

12AAP-FCE10: Legal Implications of the Failing Implant

Tuesday Session

Program Track: Practice Development and Management
Moderator: Robert B. O’Neal
Speaker: Arthur Curley

Dental implants have evolved from the era of controversy to become a mainstream component of dental restorative care, so much so that situations exist where failure to recommend dental implants may be a violation of the standard of care. The placement and restoration of implants, along with the potential for implant failure, involve many potential litigation risks not readily appreciated. This program will explore the patient’s view of such a dental product, its image and potential failures as seen in the legal community, including a review of the trends and recent cases. Guidance and risk management tools to avoid claims of malpractice in various areas will be discussed.

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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