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American Academy of Periodontology

12AAP-FCE11: Image Guidance

12AAP-FCE11: Image Guidance

Tuesday Session

Program Track: Imaging and Emerging Technologies
Moderator: Mary E. Neill
Speaker: Jeffrey Ganeles

Advances in digital diagnostics, computerized planning and surgical techniques are having a significant impact on implant therapy. New integrated systems encourage collaborative treatment planning by merging surgical, anatomical and restorative information for case planning and execution. An alphabet soup of systems and techniques are currently available, and continue to improve to provide minimally invasive procedures, prefabricated restorations and better treatment outcomes for patients. Despite these improvements, it should be
recognized that there are indications for the use of image guidance, as well as legitimate reasons not to use them. Additionally, such sophisticated systems cannot substitute for education, training, judgment and skill of the treatment team.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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