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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CE02: Implant Design Innovations

13AAP-CE02: Implant Design Innovations

Sunday Session

Program Track: Implants

Moderator: Joseph P. Fiorellini

Speakers: Tomas Albrektsson, Dennis P. Tarnow

The clinical functional demand on dental implants has increased with procedures including progressive loading, immediate placement and utilization in limited bone sites. The first osseointegrated oral implants were either minimally rough, turned (“machined”) or rough, plasma sprayed devices. Currently, the majority of oral implants are moderately rough and manufactured by sandblasting, acid etching, anodization or similar techniques with possible reinforcements of the bone response of a chemical or physical nature. In addition, modern oral implants are threaded devices, many with functional macro- and micro-threads. These designs have displayed predictable clinical results with only a small incidence of peri-implantitis or complications.

Educational Objectives:

  • Clarify how oral implants may vary in micro- or nano-topography, with some implants displaying particular chemical or physical characteristics. 
  • Disseminate reported incidence of peri-implantitis or other implant problems over follow-up of 10 years or more with modern implants.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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