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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CE03: From Gummy to Glam

13AAP-CE03: From Gummy to Glam

Sunday Session

Program Track: Periodontal Plastic/Oral Reconstructive Surgery

Moderator: Constantine L. Politis

Speakers: Frank Celenza, Edward Gottesman, Michael K. Sonick

Excessive gingival display is a descriptive term, not a diagnosis per se. Short clinical crown and altered passive eruption are seldom its sole cause. Correction of this condition may involve treatment of the lips, periodontium and teeth. In addition to traditional crown lengthening, the utilization of lip repositioning techniques as an independent or adjunct therapy will be presented.

Educational Objectives:

  • Identify the various etiologies of a "gummy smile."
  • Select an appropriate diagnosis and treatment sequence for surgical treatment with teeth and implants.
  • Develop a strategy for interdisciplinary cooperation to achieve ideal aesthetic results.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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