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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CE04: What the Periodontist Needs to Know about Restoring Implants

13AAP-CE04: What the Periodontist Needs to Know about Restoring Implants

Sunday Session

Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy

Moderator: Edwin S. Rosenberg

Speakers: Marcus F. Abboud, Nicholas Caplanis, Stephen Chu

The achievement of a final implant restoration that is both functionally and esthetically ideal requires conceptual planning, proper surgical placement, provisionalization and a final abutment crown that supports the soft tissue. As experts in soft tissue management and esthetic tissue contour development, periodontists must also become well-versed in provisionalization, traditional impressioning and the emerging impact of digital dentistry to facilitate optimal outcomes. Periodontists will be called upon, in an increasing manner, to incorporate provisionalization if they are to remain a valuable member of the dental implant team. This program will go into the finer details of the provisionalization process to help continue to grow your practice in the near and distant future.

Educational Objectives:

  • Understand the benefits of providing custom final abutments and provisional restorations in the contemporary periodontal practice.
  • Recognize the potential of fully integrated digital solutions.
  • Discuss different shade matching strategies that are critical for color-matching the single anterior tooth from a standpoint of translucency, hue and chroma.
Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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