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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CE06: Are We Redefining the Gold Standard for Bone Augmentation?

13AAP-CE06: Are We Redefining the Gold Standard for Bone Augmentation?

Sunday Session

Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering

Moderator: Barry D. Wagenberg

Speakers: Sascha A. Jovanovic, Bradley S. McAllister, Craig Misch

Clinicians have several choices in attempting to repair ridge defects due to periodontal disease, infections or trauma. Today, materials such as rhBMP-2, cellular allografts or what has been the “gold standard” for years - autogenous bone - are available to aid in helping to restore our patients to health, function and esthetics. The presenters will demonstrate through clinical case presentation, scientific data and studies, how and when each of these techniques should be utilized. 

Educational Objectives:

  • Understand the evidence and indications for the use of cellular allografts.
  • Possess a clear understanding of the biological attributes and advantages of using autogenous bone and minimizing morbidity.
  • Learn the role of rhBMP-2 in ridge augmentation in both straightforward and complex cases.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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