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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CE08: Regenerating the Periodontal Defect: Where are We Today?

13AAP-CE08: Regenerating the Periodontal Defect: Where are We Today?

Sunday Session

Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering

Moderator: Hom-Lay Wang

Speakers: Giulio Rasperini, Paul S. Rosen

The historic philosophy associated with the treatment of periodontal lesions has centered on reparative/resective efforts. Over time, our understanding of how to capitalize on wound healing dynamics, along with the refinement of techniques and materials, has enabled periodontists to adopt a philosophy that is centered on regeneration. In the forefront has been the introduction of minimally invasive strategies, biologics and enhanced scaffolds/clot stabilizers to achieve predictably successful outcomes. This program will review current thoughts on technique, barriers, grafts and biologics to achieve regenerative success for both intrabony and furcation lesions.

Educational Objectives:

  • Discuss successful flap design and suturing techniques that facilitate success.
  • List the benefits to barriers in regenerative efforts.
  • Learn some of the more recent grafts and biologics that may help to tackle more difficult lesions like a 1-wall or Class III furcation lesion.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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