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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CE09: The Fate of the Buccal Plate & the Esthetic Ramifications

13AAP-CE09: The Fate of the Buccal Plate & the Esthetic Ramifications

Monday Session

Program Track: Implants

Moderator: Paul S. Rosen

Speakers: Mauricio Araujo, Bobby L. Butler

Considerable interest has occurred with the dynamics of socket healing as implants and esthetics have become the focus of our practices today. The magnitude of dimensional changes of both the hard and soft tissues of the alveolar ridge following tooth extraction can determine the course of therapy to achieve optimal esthetics. This program will review the evidence on extraction socket healing, and what may enhance site preservation. The merits to hard and/or soft tissue grafting to achieve optimally placed implants and esthetic pontics in the final restoration will be reviewed, along with factors to be considered when choosing a particular approach. 

Educational Objectives:

  • Discuss the histologic evidence concerning dimensional changes of the alveolar ridge.
  • List the possible clinical decisions making after tooth extraction to optimized success.
  • Recognize the therapeutic options for ridge preservation.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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