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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-CTS02: Tips & Tricks of Space Maintenance

13AAP-CTS02: Tips & Tricks of Space Maintenance

Tuesday Session

Program Track: Imaging and Emerging Technologies

Moderator: Susan Karabin

Speakers: Barry P. Levin, Robert A. Levine, Bradley S. McAllister, Kevin G. Murphy

Creating negative space into which bone will grow and calcify remains a challenge to the periodontist and oral surgeon. The presenters will review the latest innovations and barrier membranes available to achieve bone growth in an area of deficient bone volume. First, a bioresorbable and moldable membrane will be presented, followed by the benefits of using titanium mesh. Next, the use of a PLGA mesh in combination with growth factors will be addressed, with cases using a collagen membrane and testing screws to round out the existing options.

Educational Objective:

  • Review the latest innovations and barrier membranes available to achieve bone growth.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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