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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-FCE10: Beyond Osseointegration: Patient-Preferred Implant Protocols to Satisfy Patients, Referrals and Grow Your Practice

13AAP-FCE10: Beyond Osseointegration: Patient-Preferred Implant Protocols to Satisfy Patients, Referrals and Grow Your Practice

Tuesday Session

Program Track: Implants

Moderator: Barry D. Wagenberg

Speaker: David A. Gelb

In the evolution of the implant solution to provide tooth replacement, osseointegration and attainment of optimum function and esthetics with implants is recognized as a universally necessary and obtainable accomplishment. This program will focus on immediate implant surgery with immediate load as a means of accelerating the treatment sequence in varied clinical and anatomical situations, to minimize the number of surgical procedures, provide temporary tooth replacement the day of extraction and guide gingival form to optimal contour, maturity and consistency. Surgical and prosthetic procedures will be projected with short- and long-term clinical and radiographic outcomes in various clinical situations, from single to multiple tooth replacements. 

Educational Objectives:

  • Define the surgical procedure as it applies to varying anatomical sites.
  • Delineate the prosthetic steps in temporization.
  • Project short- and long-term results clinically and radiographically.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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