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American Academy of Periodontology

13AAP-FCE12: Lasers in Periodontics

13AAP-FCE12: Lasers in Periodontics

Tuesday Session

Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases

Moderator: Bryan Siegelman

Speaker: George E. Romanos

The laser as a surgical tool will be demonstrated for the treatment of periodontal disease and the management of peri-implantitis, based on scientific established protocols to improve the final clinical outcome. The lecture will provide information and a step-by-step demonstration of different surgical procedures related to periodontics, such as removal of soft and hard tissue tumors for a successful surgical treatment without complications. The application of different laser wavelengths and their use in modern periodontics to coagulate, ablate or excise tissues, will be discussed, with a high number of clinical cases illustrating the “way of thinking” in laser-assisted periodontal therapy.

Educational Objectives:

  • Define the goal of lasers in periodontal therapy.
  • Illustrate the use of lasers in various periodontal surgical procedures.
  • Discuss preventative mechanisms in order to avoid complications from laser use.
Regular price $49.00 USD
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