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American Academy of Periodontology

14AAP-CE01: Periodontal Therapy: Achieving Results for Maintenance and Therapy

14AAP-CE01: Periodontal Therapy: Achieving Results for Maintenance and Therapy

Saturday Session

Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases

Moderator: Michael J. McDevitt
Speakers: Pamela K. McClain, Marc L. Nevins

Retention of the natural dentition, when feasible, remains an ideal goal in dentistry. Many treatment modalities in periodontics have demonstrated success in preserving teeth long-term when the disease is diagnosed and managed early. The focus will be on treatment decisions and evaluation of results, and long-term management for advanced periodontal cases. The value of preserving the natural dentition specifically with teeth that exhibit advanced periodontitis will be presented. Complex lesions, such as those with furcation involvement, present one of the most challenging periodontal defects to treat. Comparative outcomes of regenerative techniques in furcation defects will be addressed, along with factors influencing long-term success. Regenerative therapeutic advances, including regenerative techniques with biomaterials and laser therapy, will also be discussed.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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