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American Academy of Periodontology

14AAP-FCE05: Complex Decision-Making for Teeth and Implants in the Aesthetic Zone using the Interdisciplinary Team

14AAP-FCE05: Complex Decision-Making for Teeth and Implants in the Aesthetic Zone using the Interdisciplinary Team

Sunday Session

Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy

Moderator: Mark Hochman
Speaker: Dennis P. Tarnow

The treatment planning of complex cases requires the highest level of knowledge and skill of the treating team. It is an orchestration of procedures, including proper sequencing and timing that makes the difference. An envisionment of the final case before starting is required to know where the goal of treatment will be directed. This, in conjunction with the patient’s needs and clinical situation, comprise the decision-making process for what is the best treatment for the patient. Problems facing the team will be addressed in this interdisciplinary approach to our most challenging cases.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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