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American Academy of Periodontology

14AAP-GS01: Pillars of the Past, Foundation for the Future

14AAP-GS01: Pillars of the Past, Foundation for the Future

Saturday Session

Program Track: Imaging and Emerging Technologies

Co-Moderators: Donald S. Clem III, Jennifer H. Doobrow
Speakers: Kenneth S. Kornman, Myron Nevins, Robert G. Schallhorn

The first 30 minutes of this session will be devoted to a viewing of the ‘legends’ video and the presidential address, given by Stuart J. Froum. You won’t want to miss this historic 100th Anniversary Opening Session, as we bring together some of the most recognized names in periodontology to take a broad look at our specialty. Where have we come from, where are we today and what are the challenges and opportunities for the future? Settle in for an armchair discussion as each participant will be asked to contribute their thoughts on the past, present and future of periodontics, and its relation to dentistry and healthcare as a whole.

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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