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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-CE01: Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT): An Interdisciplinary Approach

16AAP-CE01: Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT): An Interdisciplinary Approach

Sunday Session, 2:30–5 p.m.
Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy

Moderator: Colin Richman
Speakers: George A. Mandelaris and Brian S. Vence

Patients who want more ideal facial esthetics and function, may choose to have the interdisciplinary team utilize SFOT to alter the dentoalveolar bone and optimally position the roots of the teeth for the patients’ face. Space may be appropriated to enable the restorative dentist to create natural tooth dimensions and morphology in the worn, eroded or otherwise altered dentition. Surgical, orthodontic, and restorative perspectives will be presented to challenge the team to move beyond traditional interdisciplinary therapies into a new frontier for enhanced outcomes.

Educational Objectives:
• Appreciate dentoalveolar bone phenotypes and limit associated risks using SFOT.
• Review diagnostic findings and imaging modalities critical to treatment planning of the interdisciplinary patient.
• Present the biology, risks/benefits, and execution of SFOT in advanced interdisciplinary cases from a surgical, orthodontic, and restorative perspective.
• Discuss SFOT to optimize the position of teeth for facial esthetics and function in the skeletally mature patient with “grey zone” malocclusions.

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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