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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-CE05: The Art and Science of Immediate Implant Placement

16AAP-CE05: The Art and Science of Immediate Implant Placement

Sunday Session, 2:30–5 p.m.
Program Track: Implants

Moderators: Barry P. Levin and Satoru Urano
Speakers: David A. Gelb, Giles B. Horrocks, and Hiroyuki Takino

This course will feature world-class clinicians, who will describe their personal experiences, review a variety of cases, and assess the evolution pertaining to immediate implant placement. The goal is to review treatment alternatives in these situations that fit the parameters of success for this procedure and reduce the duration of treatment, cost, and morbidity of ridge augmentation with immediate implant placement. Today it is possible to replace teeth with implants in one surgical minimally invasive procedure. Osseointegration and bone regeneration can occur simultaneously, during this procedure, as a tooth root is replaced with an implant fixture in single and multiple implant sites. Expert discussion will feature the predictability and effectiveness of each technique, including various methods of soft tissue management as well as the timing involved. A surgical technique for ridge expansion is presented to help the clinician improve the bone volume at the time of implant placement. This technique controls the mobilization of the labial cortical bone by placing select infrabony, subperiosteal releasing incisions with piezoelectric surgery instrumentation.

Educational Objectives:
• Discuss the evolution of immediate implant procedures.
• Describe the immediate implant /immediate provisional restoration protocol.
• Explain the efficacy of immediate implant immediate provisional restoration as compared to immediate implants without restoration.
• Identify the clinical and patient advantages supporting the use of immediate implant immediate provisional restoration.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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