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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-CTS02: Technical Pearls to Enhance the Perio-Restorateive Interface

16AAP-CTS02: Technical Pearls to Enhance the Perio-Restorateive Interface

Tuesday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.
Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy

Moderator: Paulo M. Camargo
Speakers: Farhad E. Boltchi, Ryan Cook, E. Dwayne Karateew, and Chris Salierno

This session will focus on procedures and techniques aiming at developing an optimal interface between the periodontal/peri-implant tissues and the restorations. Individual presentations will examine specific steps in case planning, pre-prosthetic surgery, and fabrication of temporary and final restorations on natural teeth and dental implants, so that they lead to improvements in biological, functional, and esthetic treatment results. The topics to be reviewed in this session will include digitally-driven treatment planning, surgical crown lengthening, fabrication of temporary restorations that aid in proper soft tissue shaping and the delivery of final restorations that are easily maintained by the patient and the dental professional.

Educational Objectives:
• Demonstrate how a fully integrated digital implant dentistry workflow can optimize the periodontal/ peri-implant restorative interface.
• Describe the role of clinical crown lengthening in improving restorative outcomes in various types of occlusal scheme.
• Identify key techniques in the chairside fabrication of implant temporary restorations.
• Identify steps useful in designing and modifying restorative contours to improve home care and professional maintenance.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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