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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-EV06: Pearls and Pitfalls: A Survival Guide to Residency and Beyond (Student/New Perio Series)

16AAP-EV06: Pearls and Pitfalls: A Survival Guide to Residency and Beyond (Student/New Perio Series)

Sunday Session, 12–2:30 p.m.

Moderator: Eugenie Lee
Speakers: Henry Takei, Tricia R. Crosby and Jonathan Do

Join your colleagues and friends for this unique opportunity to learn, grow professionally, and network with your peers. This program begins with introductions by practicing periodontist and Master Clinician, Dr. Henry Takei, Past President of the Illinois Society of Periodontists, Dr. Tricia Crosby, and member of the New Periodontist Subcommittee, Dr. Jonathan Do. This fully-packed engaging session will end with questions from the audience regarding the transition from residency. Listen to the speakers and hear firsthand the “pearls and pitfalls.” New this year! The AAP is offering a Resume Critique Service for event attendees. Each attendee will be eligible to receive a personalized evaluation (via email) of their current resume, with tips and best practices for how to enhance the document. 

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.00 USD
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