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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-FCE01: Utilizing Video Scope Visualization to Treat Inflammatory Disease Around Teeth and Implants

16AAP-FCE01: Utilizing Video Scope Visualization to Treat Inflammatory Disease Around Teeth and Implants

Sunday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.
Program Track: Imaging and Emerging Technologies

Moderator: Tina Beck
Speakers: Stephen K. Harrel and Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.

There has been a renewed interest in the influence of retained calculus on the outcomes of periodontal therapy. Inflammation of the periodontal sulcus is detected more often in the presence of calculus and biofilm than in the presence of biofilm alone. Recent technologic advances have allowed for the visualization of small amounts of calculus that remain on the root surface after traditional non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy. It is postulated that the retention of these “micro islands of calculus” may be associated with areas that fail to respond completely to traditional non-surgical and/or surgical periodontal therapy. The course will review the endoscope and videoscope technologies that have been developed for minimally invasive periodontal therapy, how this technology is improving therapeutic outcomes,
and minimizing patient discomfort. The use of the videoscope for videoscope assisted minimally invasive surgery (VMIS) will be reviewed and demonstrated. The indications for this approach and study results will be discussed. The visualization of retained calculus on root surfaces in the form of micro-islands and within micro-grooves on the root surface and how the removal of this calculus may account for the improved results reported for minimally invasive surgery will be discussed. The use of the videoscope to assist in the emerging treatments of peri-implant disease will also be reviewed.

Educational Objectives:
• Learn information and rationale to introduce minimally invasive periodontal therapy into the delivery of periodontal care.
• Determine which visualization technologies will be applicable to practice needs.
• Acquire new insights in the treatment of periimplant disease.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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