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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-FCE02: Management and Marketing for Success

16AAP-FCE02: Management and Marketing for Success

Sunday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.
Program Track: Practice Development and Management

Moderator: Michael Curry
Speaker: Gregory A. Toback

The dental industry is in transition, and the impact of these changes is challenging the existence of the referral-based periodontal practice. It is no longer sufficient to manage a practice from the perspective of a clinician/technician. The periodontist who owns a practice must now realize that he or she is competing for available patients in a dynamic market. The health of the small business will demand that the periodontist owner change his or her perspective to that of an entrepreneur, and be prepared to position his or her business in the marketplace. 

Educational Objectives:
• Explore the changing dental industry and how it is impacting the referral-based periodontal practice.
• Explain the difference in perspective of a technician business owner and that of an entrepreneur.
• Define the “high-performance-periodontal-practice.”
• Recognize the importance of creating organizational structure, systems, and accountability in the small business.
• Explore the different pipelines of marketing and how it can fuel the growth of a healthy small business.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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