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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-FCE03: FGF-2 Stimulation of Periodontal Regeneration

16AAP-FCE03: FGF-2 Stimulation of Periodontal Regeneration

Sunday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.
Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering

Moderators: Hidemi Kurihara and Michael P. Mills
Speaker: Shinya Murakami

A series of clinical studies reveals that some success in periodontal regeneration has already been achieved. However, some issues with these therapies remain to be solved, including technique sensitivity, limitation of indications and predictability. One of the most efficient methods for improving the outcomes may be the use of human recombinant cytokines. In this course, an overview of the present status of periodontal regenerative therapies will be given, and then the potential use of human recombinant cytokines, especially FGF-2, for periodontal regeneration will be explained.

Educational Objectives:
• Explain the principles and mechanisms of periodontal tissue regeneration induced by basic fibroblast growth factor, FGF-2.
• Discuss the indications and issues to be solved of FGF-2 drug.
• Consider future directions of periodontal regeneration with special reference to cytokine and stem cell therapies.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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