American Academy of Periodontology
16AAP-FCE04: Provisionalization and Restoration of Dental Implants
16AAP-FCE04: Provisionalization and Restoration of Dental Implants
Sunday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.
Program Track: Implants
Moderator: Janie L. Boyesen
Speaker: Graziano D. Giglio
The ability of the periodontist to place a fixed provisional restoration at the time of implant surgery results in optimal soft tissue esthetics, improved patient care, and fewer coordinated visits with the restorative dentist. This course will cover both the placement of a provisional on the implants at the time of surgery and after the healing phase. Techniques that use natural teeth or temporary implants to support a fixed provisional will also be discussed. The presentation will include the fabrication and management of a provisional during the surgical phase and the transition to the definitive implant-supported prosthesis by coordinating treatment with the restorative dentist.
Educational Objectives:
• Review treatment options and techniques for fixed provisionalization during implant therapy.
• Review abutment selection criteria for immediate implant provisionalization.
• Discuss treatment alternatives for fixed provisionalization when immediate loading is not possible.
• Improve patient comfort and care, enhance esthetics, and reduce the number of coordinated visits with the restorative dentist by providing immediate fixed provisionalization.
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