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American Academy of Periodontology

16AAP-FCE08: The Diabetes Epidemic: Role of the Periodontist in Managing This Population

16AAP-FCE08: The Diabetes Epidemic: Role of the Periodontist in Managing This Population

Monday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.
Program Track: Periodontal-Systemic Relationships

Moderator: Rachel A. Schallhorn
Speakers: Robert J. Genco and Brian L. Mealey

Diabetes and periodontitis are two prevalent chronic diseases. The evidence and clinical implications of the two-way association between diabetes and periodontal diseases will be reviewed along with the current understanding of potential pathogenic mechanisms, involving inflammation and the microbiome, underlying the association. Issues related to the clinical management of patients having diabetes and periodontal disease, stressing inter-professional care, will be discussed.

Educational Objectives:
• Improve understanding of the bi-directional relationship between diabetes and periodontitis.
• Appreciate current understanding of the mechanisms that may explain the interactions between diabetes and periodontitis.
• Effectively and safely manage patients with diabetes and periodontitis in the dental office, with consideration of future inter-professional care for patients.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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