American Academy of Periodontology
17AAP-CE09: Contemporary Furcation Management
17AAP-CE09: Contemporary Furcation Management
Sunday Session, 2:30–5 p.m.
Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases
Moderator: Vanchit John
Speakers: Paul A. Fugazzotto, Pamela K. McClain, and Robert Schallhorn
Multi-rooted teeth exhibiting bone loss present one of the most challenging periodontal defects to treat. Although dental implants have expanded treatment options, retention of the natural dentition, when feasible, remains an ideal goal in dentistry. Appropriate treatment of periodontally involved furcations is a cornerstone of comprehensive periodontal therapy. Many treatment modalities can slow the progression of bone loss in furcations. Current information available on both short-term and long-term outcomes of the techniques for managing the various categories of furcation defects will be discussed with emphasis on Class II and Class III mandibular and maxillary molars. In addition, the role of regenerative therapy to reverse the disease process will be discussed. Finally, the role of resective therapy in treatment of furcation involvements through the assessment of successes and failures over a period of more than 30 years will be reviewed.
Educational Objectives:
• Critique short- and long-term treatment outcomes for current furcation treatment approaches.
• Discuss the rationale for employing combined regenerative techniques for management of Class II and potentially of Class III selective furcation defects.
• List the key defect characteristics that are critical for regeneration in furcations.
• Learn a simplified furcation classification system which relates directly to specific treatment options combined with the technical aspects of resective furcation therapy and the role of resective therapy in periodontal regeneration in furcation defects.
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