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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-EV02: AAP/AAP Foundation/Osteology Foundation Symposium: Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration for Teeth and Implants

17AAP-EV02: AAP/AAP Foundation/Osteology Foundation Symposium: Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration for Teeth and Implants

Saturday Session, 8 a.m.–noon

Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering

Moderators: Pamela K. McClain and Mariano Sanz

Speakers: Daniel Buser, Sonia Leziy, Marc Nevins, and Mariano Sanz

This session will explore the current concepts and alternatives on hard and soft tissue regeneration both around teeth and dental implants. Speakers will provide the clinical guidelines associated with current concepts and alternatives in soft and hard tissue regeneration. In addition, this session will also include discussion of using soft tissue substitutes and xenogeneic scaffolds to improve the outcomes of the different interventions and to diminish patient morbidity.

Educational Objectives:

• Assess the current concepts in soft tissue regeneration around teeth and dental implants.

• Identify techniques that improve periodontal regeneration.

• Explore the use of scaffolds and barrier membranes to improve regenerative outcomes associated with implant therapy.

• Review the clinical guidelines associated with hard and soft tissue regeneration around teeth and implants.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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