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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-FCE04: Occlusion in the Implant Age: Back to Basics

17AAP-FCE04: Occlusion in the Implant Age: Back to Basics

Sunday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.

Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Disease

Moderator: Michael J. McDevitt

Speakers: Leonard M. Garfinkel and Richard E. Levitt

Astute periodontists have long recognized how understanding of occlusion is vital to preventing trauma and furthering the goals of both periodontal treatment and implant success. The evidence in the research and in clinical practice, which have confirmed that occlusal trauma affecting an implant is one of the key factors in implant failure, is a compelling reason for every periodontist placing implants to refine our diagnostic skills. The highly-refined knowledge of both functional and excessive occlusal forces now places the periodontist as the surgical specialist best positioned to guide their restorative colleagues in planning the more complex cases, involving implants, teeth, or both in the final restoration(s). This course will further our understanding of occlusion so that we can treat our patients with confidence and predictability.

Educational Objectives:

• Recognize signs of trauma and identify how to address problems effectively, including when and how to employ an appliance.

• Distinguish differences in supporting structures between teeth and implants and recognize the effects occlusal loading, including traumatic loading, has upon those structures.

• Explain how the periodontist is uniquely positioned to guide restorative decisions for teeth and for implants and how collaboration with the restorative dentist guides implant positions relative to their anticipated role in a stable, functional restored dentition.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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