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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-FCE08: Vertical Ridge Augmentation with Complication Management (Audio Only)

17AAP-FCE08: Vertical Ridge Augmentation with Complication Management (Audio Only)

Monday Session, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

Program Track: Implants

Moderator: Bradley Weinstein

Speaker: Istvan Urban

Vertical and horizontal augmentation present one of the greatest challenges of bone regeneration in implant dentistry. This is primarily due to the difficulty of the surgical procedure and its potential complications. Patient selection, patient preparation for surgery, precise surgical techniques, and postoperative management are the key factors in reducing the rate of bone graft complications. An important factor is flap closure during bone augmentation. The key to achieving wound closure is not only the clinician’s ability in obtaining tension free release flap, but also good soft tissue quality and quantity. In an attempt to achieve wound closure and hence graft stability, the buccal mucosa is often broadly released, and this often results in a severe coronal translocation of the mucogingival line and loss of vestibule and keratinized mucosa (KM). The diagnosis and management of different complications will be discussed throughout this presentation.

Educational Objectives:

• Review the surgical anatomy of the floor of the mouth.

• Learn the surgical principles of ridge augmentation surgery.

• Become familiar with the surgical principles of the reconstruction of the vestibule and keratinized tissue after ridge augmentation.

• Explain the diagnosis and management of bone graft complications.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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