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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-FCE10: Synergy for Success: Periodontal-Prosthetic Interactions

17AAP-FCE10: Synergy for Success: Periodontal-Prosthetic Interactions

Monday Session, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy

Moderator: Sylvan Feldman

Speakers: Barry P. Levin and Sergio Rubinstein

Patients have a range of needs, and require the collaborative efforts of surgical and restorative dentists. Patients’ goals must be clearly understood, and when communication is open and roles are defined, excellent outcomes can be the norm. When this is not the case however, frustration and unhappy patients is usually the end result. This presentation will demonstrate how teamwork can lead to predictable results and satisfaction not only for the patient, but for the entire dental team as well. Situations where teamwork should have existed, but was lacking, will be presented and problem-solving to remedy these issues will be demonstrated.

Educational Objectives:

• Identify how visualizing the end result prior to the initiation of treatment simplifies treatment planning.

• Analyze complications when treatment planning and execution do not coincide.

• Recognize that treatment modalities sometimes need to be re-evaluated.

• Appreciate the roles restorative and surgical dentists, as well as laboratory technicians in complex therapy.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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