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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-FCE18: The Socket-Shield/Root Membrane Technique for Alveolar Preservation

17AAP-FCE18: The Socket-Shield/Root Membrane Technique for Alveolar Preservation

Tuesday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.

Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue Engineering

Moderator: José R. Mellado

Speakers: David Garber (Not Recorded) and Barry P. Levin

Immediate implant placement has grown in its frequency and efficacy. Though immensely successful in terms of osseointegration, long-term stability of esthetics can be unpredictable. Numerous methods of tissue preservation and augmentation are implemented to preserve satisfactory results. The Socket Shield technique is utilized as a means of limiting the resultant cascade of esthetic compromises and alveolar ridge resorption that follow every tooth extraction. Participants will gain an in-depth review of the new innovative Partial Extraction Therapy (PET) surgical armamentarium and the stepby- step technique demonstrating its simplicity and effectiveness in contemporary implant dentistry. This presentation will demonstrate procedures used to achieve long-term healthy and esthetic success for immediate implant placement.

Educational Objectives:

• Explain the unpredictable physiologic changes that occur after immediate implant therapy is performed.

• Recognize how techniques utilizing allogeneic and xenogeneic materials can increase predictability in maintaining esthetic success for immediate implant therapy.

• Assess the value in immediate provisionalization in the esthetic zone combined with augmentation procedures.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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