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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-GS02: Treatment of the Malposed Implant

17AAP-GS02: Treatment of the Malposed Implant

Monday Session, 8–10 a.m.

Program Track: Treatment of Inflammatory

Periodontal Diseases

Moderator: Nick Caplanis

Speakers: Markus B. Hu?rzeler, Joseph Kan (Not Recorded), and Dennis Tarnow

Management of the malposed implant is extremely demanding, especially in the aesthetic zone. Malposed implants often lead to peri-implant soft tissue deficiencies and compromised prosthetic outcomes. This presentation will focus on diagnosis, treatment planning, and execution of implant placement to reduce the risk of implant malposition. Management concepts for immediate implant placement and consecutive adjacent implants in the aesthetic zone will be discussed. Clinical research, histologic evidence, and novel innovations in immediate post-extraction socket therapy will be presented. Innovative soft tissue grafting procedures and prosthetic solutions will also be revealed that can enhance soft tissue health and aesthetics in these situations. Lastly, the timing and sequencing of implant removal will be described, including management of the soft and hard tissues.

Educational Objectives:

• Explain how to diagnosis and treat a malposed implant.

• Minimize the risk of implant malposition from pretreatment to execution.

• Implement novel surgical approaches for enhancing keratinized attached mucosa around implants.

• Design a treatment plan to remove a malposed or ailing implant in the aesthetic zone including treatment timing, sequence, and tissue management.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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