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American Academy of Periodontology

17AAP-GS03: Advances and Innovations in Oral Plastic Surgery

17AAP-GS03: Advances and Innovations in Oral Plastic Surgery

Monday Session, 2–4 p.m.

Program Track: Periodontal Plastic/Oral

Reconstructive Surgery

Moderator: E. Todd Scheyer

Speakers: Edward P. Allen, Markus B. Hu?rzeler, and Homa H. Zadeh

The most popular discussion regarding mucogingival procedures revolve around minimally invasive techniques and alternative tissue sources as substitutes for palatal autografts. This presentation will focus on the state-of-the-art in minimally invasive techniques and provide an evidence basis for using autogenous and non-autogenous graft materials. The practical application of these techniques will be shown around teeth and implants. The presenters will use clinical documentation including video to demonstrate technique and long-term results. An emphasis will be placed on treating mucogingival defects with a favorable esthetic outcome.

Educational Objectives:

• Explain the difference of the execution of the tunneling technique around teeth.

• Recognize the difference features of autogenous connective tissue grafts harvested from different sites in the mouth.

• Improve your understanding of minimally invasive mucogingival surgery and alternatives materials selection.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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