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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-CE01: Predictable Vertical Ridge Augmentation

18AAP-CE01: Predictable Vertical Ridge Augmentation

Sunday, Oct. 28
2:30 - 5 p.m.

Program Track: Tissue Engineering and Hard Tissue Reconstruction
Moderator: Phillip L. Fava, II
Speakers: Marco Ronda and Istvan Urban

Safety and predictability are the two most important factors of any clinical procedure. This presentation will focus on the surgical techniques that can increase the safety and predictability of vertical and horizontal ridge reconstruction and reduce complications. Anatomic and patient specific determinants will be presented that can help guide clinical decisions regarding incisions, flap management, biomaterials, and suturing. The modified lingual flap, developed on the basis of the unique anatomy of the floor of the mouth, will be introduced as a potential improvement to conventional flap techniques in the treatment of both anterior and posterior mandibular defects. Various flap passivation techniques will be presented. A minimally-invasive “bladeless” buccal flap advancement technique will also be described for the treatment of traumatic defects of the anterior maxilla. In addition, clinical management of complications will be presented.

Educational Objectives:
• Explain the surgical principles of vertical and horizontal ridge reconstruction, including restoration of the vestibule and mucogingival junction.
• Evaluate the modified lingual flap and other flap passivation techniques used for mandibular ridge reconstruction.
• Gain familiarity with the minimally-invasive “bladeless” buccal flap advancement technique.
• Learn the surgical techniques to improve predictability and avoid complications.
• Identify how to manage complications during ridge reconstruction surgery.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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