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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-CE04: The Timing of Implant Placement

18AAP-CE04: The Timing of Implant Placement

Sunday, Oct. 28
2:30 - 5 p.m.

Program Track: Implant Surgery and Prosthetic Rehabilitation 
Moderator: Barry D. Wagenberg
Speakers: Jay R. Beagle, Sascha Jovanovic, and Martin L. Kolinski

Surgical placement of implants can be performed utilizing different timing protocols. Three well-experienced clinicians take three differing approaches: Dr. Jovanovic, delayed; Dr. Beagle, early delayed; and Dr. Kolinski, immediate placements. Each clinician will describe his techniques, discuss the scientific basis for that decision, and demonstrate these procedures with clinical material. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach will be discussed including their personal success rates utilizing each protocol. Many of these clinicians have performed over 10,000 of these procedures.

Educational Objectives:

• Identify the need for minimal height and width of alveolus to accept implant placement.
• Evaluate the differences in distinct timing protocols for implant placement.
• Explain the complications that can occur and how to treat them.
• Gain a clear understanding of the techniques available for success.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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